Originally Posted By: Frisket
Would anyone else consider having nice new shiny camping gear in a nice new crisp clean kelty pack a massive sore thumb situation?

I have a variety of backpacks and rucksacks ranging from military surplus to a new Kelty Redwing that I got for my birthday. I am currently in the process of beating that one up. I believe that no matter if you carry your 'stuff' in a shiny new technical pack or a stolen shopping cart, the fact that you have 'stuff' will make you a target of those who don't. That said, you don't want to look like an exclusive sporting goods store model either. If you have to travel, travel light, wearing and/or concealing what you have. Depending on the situation, if you can shelter in place and protect your shelter, your odds of survival improve IMHO.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng