Rule of Threes: Given the environment, you can die three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, three weeks without food, and, some say, three months without human contact.

So what is your survival situation? Is it likely you will have to cross water that might pose a drowning hazard? Is it likely your environment does not have accessible water? is it likely you will be on your own for enough weeks to require you to obtain food to survive? Are you so remote that three months without human contact is likely?

I would treat this as a STOP situation, analogous to realizing you are lost. Although variouslyinterpreted, I think of STOP as an acronym for stop, think, obseve, plan. Literally stop, sit or otherwise take physical ease. Think through your situation, commit to surviving, and answer the Rule of Threes questions; if possible record your analysis on paper. Observe: first to answer the Rule of Threes questions, then to inventory resources available to avoid violating the Rule of Threes. Plan: determine how you are going to use your resources to avoid violating the Rule of Threes.

If you are with others, then involve them in STOP. One of your resources may other people. One of your biggest obstacles to avoiding the Rule of Threes may be other people. You want to know which it is most likely to be for each person with you.

The scenario restricts your inanimate object resources to the sedan and challenges you to think about what you could scavenge to meet any survival situation. One way to start would be to address what you could scavenge to avoid violating each of the Rule of Threes.