>>What gear do you carry everyday and everywhere?<<<br><br>Jeez, the question is too broad. I don’t carry anything to bed or into the shower (there are a few items in and behind the nightstand), or, most of the time, inside the house. When I go running in the mornings, I carry a 4 oz. titanium folder, a 4.5 oz. cell phone, and a door key, and that’s already too much weight. If I’m going out, I have a few items in my pockets- folder, lighter, flat items in wallet, couple of things on the key chain, cell phone, Palm. Commuting, long trips with or short trips without my own vehicle, I grab a shoulder pouch that mostly has current reading, notebooks and miscellanious electronics, but also my “urban escape” kit and other items that vary somewhat with season. Day hiking, still another kit, boating, still another kit. There’s a kit and odds and ends in my vehicle, so I generally don’t grab the pouch to drive to the bank, grocery store, or restaurant, though again, I have my usual pocket litter...<br><br>The problem I have is that the restrictions and demands vary too much. What I want on the water is not what I want on a day hike, and fish hooks, snares and signal mirrors are not much use downtown. Even just downtown, if I’m going into government buildings, I can’t carry a knife, metal tin, or anything remotely suspicious, but if I’m going downtown and NOT into a government building, I certainly want my full urban escape kit. Downtown, I can’t carry a knife over 3 inches, but outside of the city I often do. I haven’t flown since 9/11, but even then it was a pain, reconfiguring the carry items- now it must be a nightmare. If I had unlimited resources, I could probably use 20 different kits, not just 3 or 4. As it is, I’m afraid to seal even one.<br><br>>>Is there ever a minimum that you feel secure with?<<<br><br>Are you kidding? These days, there isn’t even a MAXIMUM I feel secure with. :-)