Originally Posted By: Mark_Frantom

- WRT backup power supply, I need to look into getting a generator again. Will probably check into something small and simple (i.e. read cheap) to start with. At least something to power the fridge anyway. Eventually we might invest in a natural gas powered deal that switches on automatically if the power goes out.

Do your research carefully. A lot of generators won't run for more than a few days without needing major work.

- WRT the emergency family plan, that needs to become a HUGE priority. Any suggestions here would be helpful and appreciated.

You need a bug out plan, a bug in plan, a communications plan, a centralized repository of important papers, emergency cash, and good relationships with your neighbors for a start.

Thinking along the lines of the damage I saw on the way in to work, I am thinking some supplys of extra building materials (thinking hammers, nails, boards, etc) and some tarps might be nice to keep handy as well. Supplies of duct tape, maybe some heavy clear plastic to cover any broken windows would be good to have too.

Tarps need to have grommets, on the sides as well as the corners. Cordage is essential.

Did I miss anything? Thoughts? Suggestions?

You didn't mention anything about firearms.