Gatekeeper,<br><br>You said:<br>"I'm never really satisfied with my set up. It changes almost everyday. I wish I could figure out what the basics should be and then stick with it."<br><br>I think you're way ahead of the game as it is. I don't feel that you or anyone should ever stop examining alternatives to their gear, whether daily carry or otherwise. I know I haven't. Even Doug updated his mini tin recently. Keep changing what you carry, and you'll keep improving what you carry. Stop, and you'll stop. :-)<br><br>Also, to me, "Daily Carry" includes my vehicle and the two places I spend most of my daily time... home & office. I keep bigger, heavier and more gear in those places than I can carry on my person, and I'll still have access to at least one of those caches most of the time as I go through my days & my regular life.<br><br>As for what I carry... too much. :p I don't suggest anyone carry as much crap as I do. I'm just eccentric. I've already delineated my regular stuff in a number of other threads and feel silly reciting it all again. If you care, you can check here, here and here. Is there a minimum I feel secure with? Yeah. Like I say, it takes quite a bit for me to feel happy, actually. And every time I use any of it, I feel all warm and fuzzy all over again, and reaffirm that it's all worth it. How do I carry it? All over. I consider my clothing part of my equipment. The "gear" part of my gear I mostly just carry in my pants pockets. I've found ways to load my pockets so the stuff I carry is comfortable and stays where I put it, though it does create bulges. When I go swimming or jogging, I put it in a fanny pack. I don't mind. I love having my gear with me when I need it!