Originally Posted By: Susan
WalMart carries what sells. If it doesn't sell, they drop it. If one of the reasons people are buying is fear, WM will take their money. When they stop buying, WM will drop the products.

Follow the money.


That is true of most, if not all, businesses. The big change I've seen at discount stores is in the general quality of the merchandise. Yes, you can still get those cheap $2 D-Cell flashlights that have to be smack around to make work, and regularly to keep them shining. They have gotten better. Those units used to come with carbon-lead batteries that gave good light, when the flashlight allowed, for about five minutes and an hour of 'mood lighting'. Now they come with alkaline cells so you get an hour of good light. Still crappy flashlights but better.

Which tells the story of manufacturing. Generally the average quality has greatly improved across the line over the last thirty years. I remember when a discount store pocket knife were mostly cheap Pakistani stainless that refused to hold an edge no matter how you sharpened it.

The low end is still on sale but the average quality has improved and they now carry some mid-high quality merchandise and the cost of quality has gone down. People really should spend some time looking over what they, and Target, and all the other discount stores, carry. Give some of the items a try and you might be happily surprised at the functionality you can get for a discount price. This is made easier because all the major discounters have very easy return policies. Most will accept an occasional credit back to your credit card without complaint. I wouldn't equip an entire family camping trip and then return it but they are wiling to let you try stuff and return it.

Many of those who object the loudest about the supposed lack of usability and quality are clearly people who have not given them a close look. They have not given them a shot. They are comparing what they imagine a discount store sells, often based on opinions formed twenty years ago, with what they imagine quality, quality produced in the same Chinese factory as the discount unit, to be.

It has to be pointed out, and I'm well aware of it, that the stuff they sell is not going to be exotic or more competent and high quality than might be required for a family outing or scout jamboree. For you next summit attempt on K-2 you might get your Leatherman Wave at Wally but you won't be getting your sleeping bag or tent there.

That said they do sell tents at discount prices that are suitable for long weekends and two or three season use. And those same units will work just fine for living among the ruins for a couple of weeks after a hurricane.

Buy carefully. Take the merchandise out of the packaging and look closely. You have to be willing to put in the effort to get quality at a discount price. Take it home. Put it through its paces. If you don't think you got a bargain you simply take it back. No fuss, no muss.