Originally Posted By: Eugene
Connect to the corporate vpn and backup that way. If I would take my company owned laptop and backup to some non company owned service I'd be fired. Very few companies will allow anything like that and when they do its only trough company approved sites where they have the proper legal documents in place.
The example would only work for a small home office, not any larger business.

This whole thread is about personal backups, not corporate applications. It's hard to understand why you don't see the underlying principle instead of just the external details. If the example would work for a small home office, it sure as heck will work for personal stuff.

Everything we've talked about assumes you encrypt the data before storing it anywhere, not just in The Cloud. It doesn't really matter if Epsilon spilled your email address. If you're worried about your files getting cracked even though they're encrypted with 128 bit keys, and if you've set yourself up to be compromised if someone knows your email address, you shouldn't even be on the internet.