It's an interesting challenge getting people to think about disasters and emergencies from more than a business perspectives. Computer systems, policies and procedures and such can easily become the focus. Kudos to you for not just focusing on business requirements.

All the people on the team need to be personally prepared too. When I led our BCP team a few years ago, I was stunned that the other team leaders and our team members didn't get this. When I asked them about preparing personal kits I got confused looks. A plan for home? Huh?

This angle will probably be your toughest task. For the business to succeed, you need your people to be personally prepared and know that things are well in hand on the homefront.

I tackled it with a simulation first, to open their minds. After that, the information and details took on more relevance.

A list like FEMA's is simple, and combined with a compiling s binder like Blast's would be a great starting point to get them thinking proactively and taking the next step: action!
Mom & Adventurer

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