I dunno, BPJ, I have a few problems with some of the things on the list, while others are right on. The biggest whopper is "store batteries in the freezer" - a very bad move. it isn't good for the batteries and takes space away from critical supplies like coffee ice cream.

For emergency use, I rely on lithium batteries - they have really good power, very long life, work well in cold, store for at least ten years, and are significantly lighter than alkalines. For daily use, I am phasing to quality rechargeables like Eneloops. I don't put alkaline batteries in anything I value.

I am amused at the list's reliance on second string suppliers like US Cavalry and Brigade Quartermaster. There are lots better sources out there - like good old REI for a lot of very decent basics, as well as many specialty sources.

I was glad to see that they did mention stocking reloading supplies in the firearms section. Fore me, that makes a lot of sense, and it is a rewarding pastime, to boot.

Again, some things are good, others are OK, and some are misses. Don't trust any one list.
Geezer in Chief