Let me explain something about the guiding principle of ETS. We want to help people live. More specifically, we want to help those people prepare who had never before had given much thought to being prepared. There are tons of hard-core TEOTWAWKI survivalist sites out there filled with all sorts of disaster fantasies. Those sites quickly scare way Joe and Jane Average who are just starting to think about being prepared but don't want to be a "nutter" about it.

Preparedness is becoming more mainstream but the majority of people still think most of us are tinfoil hat wearing MRE eating gun hording government fearing bunker dwellers. ETS wants to ease people into the idea that taking care of themselves and their family is something they CAN do, that it isn't some overwhelming, impossible task.

Guns have a role in survival. I carry daily. But to the newly-awakened person trying to learn how to prepare, being called a sheep just drives them away. Like I said at the beginning, our goal is to improve people's preparedness. That's mighty hard to do if they are insulted and drove away.

There are plenty of other sites to discuss the role of guns in survival. You can find me over on Zombie Squad doing that a lot. It's even possible to do it here as long as it is done without insults or attitudes.

Love to you all,
-Blast (a tinfoil hat wearing MRE eating (except the clam chowder one) gun hording government fearing bunker dweller)

Edited by Blast (04/06/11 10:39 PM)
Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
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