At the moment I am using tinder quiks. I tried dryer lint before and was disappointed in its performance. Luckily it was not an emergency when I tried it out. Perhaps it was from a batch with a lot of synthetic material. There was also not much of it there so perhaps there just wasn't enough of it. I had it filling the space left in the top of my match case. The tinder quiks, however, fit nicely in the same space so I replaced the lint with the tinder quiks and have been carrying them in all my kits since. I have noticed a lot of mention of cotton balls with Vaseline and would really like to try that out.

It doesn’t qualify as tinder, but I also try to keep a thin piece of corrugated-type cardboard in there (you can cut these to size from big mac boxes and some of the dominoes boxes as well as many retail store boxes – I have taken to checking every box I come across and squirreling the good ones away). Not only does it serve as an added boost to get larger kindling going, it also serves as a buffer between kit items where needed (for example to protect a water bag from being punctured by the end of a roll of wire). As always no affiliations and YMMV.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?