Originally Posted By: MostlyHarmless
Your articles are always a pleasant read, HJ smile

Anyone and his brother will miss any honorable mention of their particular pet stove. My pet remote canister stove is the trangia burner mounted inside the old fashioned trangia mess kit with the venerable aluminium wind screen. Too heavy and bulky for most of the light weight all-I-ever-need-to-do-is-boil-water crowd, but a good choice for those who like menus that require more than one pot. And ... with a pre-heat loop for liquid feed operation.
I assume you mean a "real" Trangia, as in a Trangia 25 or Trangia 27, and I quite agree. For really foul weather, it's hard to do better than the Trangia with it's "bomb proof" windscreen system.

The ultimate cold weather stove ever developed is the KAP Arctic which was a Kerosene stove mounted in a Trangia.

Adventures In Stoving