Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor


Concentrations reported for both, plutonium-238 and plutonium-239/240 are similar to those deposited in Japan as a result of the testing of nuclear weapons. The ratio of the concentrations of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239/240 in two of the samples indicate that very small amounts of plutonium might have been released during the Fukushima accident, but this requires to be further clarified.

The Plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki surely wasn't just a test. The IAEA b*lls*it statement could have at least been a little more politically correct.

I'm happy to say that the testing referred to atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons by the several countries who participated on those tests in the Fifties and Sixties. Drop by
and check pages 255, et seq., for the information that quote refers to. The statement was correct, politically and factually. In fact, Pu-238 and Pu-239 are scattered throughout the world as a result of the atmospheric tests those countries conducted. Annex B has more details than I'm interested in, but they're there for those that want to know.