I was wondering over the last day or two how it was possible for tap water from Tokyo, which is quite distant from Fukushima

Er, a MOX (Uranium/Plutonium fuel) reactor disintegrated.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3tVy01Xi7M (I don't believe the hydrogen explosion explanation)

And they are still calling the destruction of 4 nuclear reactors at Fukushima a level 6 incident. Even Chernobyl didn't have 1000+ tonnes of spent fuel sitting above the reactor when it blew up.

Chernobyl had the same yellow rain and they had the same 'its pollen' cover story.


Now they are admitting that the reactor vessel in No3 may have been breached.


It would seem there is an intentional 7-10 day delay before the Japanese authorities will fess up and admit the obvious. Considering that this nuclear disaster has been ongoing for around 2 weeks now the information provided by the Japanese authorities is quite scandalous. mad

The Future of Northern Japan it would seem is based on the vagaries of where the wind blows.