The Toiletpaper factor,comes into play as soon as, you start Eating The greens,Because they are going to Naturally Cleanse your G.I.Tract(Gastro-Intestinal system),You are going to Poop your Brains Out!That is The quickest/safest way to obtain Energy,Of which in Turn should Motivate you/Alert you to,Your need to do More for Yourself!It's quite possible & probable,You will Discover You had things in your system,That are Abnormal,& Unless you have an Outhouse,Your family is going to Discover this Abnormality,as well but Only for The 1 few Visits to The Throne,After that things will Level Off to a Less fragrant Experience,You will still be a Well known patron to The Throne Initially,But I will Guarantee,You will have more Energy,& You will feel like you've lost alot of weight!Instead of Junk Food,Bring some Root Vegetables-Radishes,turnips,Carrots,etc. & Make it a Point that,People/co-workers/Family See You eating these things,Their Astonishment/Expressions/Remarks will be a Delight for you,& Hopefully a very Positive Feeling towards More self-Motivation!If you have to,Force yourself to Smile when the stress comes about,& Rather than walking over to the Junk Food,Walk past it with your Bottle of water,& Just Go for a Short walk! Make This a Habit,& You Will,Blow Peoples Minds!When other"Plump" associates/friends Inquire to, your Change of habits,Ask them"Do you want to Feel Good?,Come Walk with me now!"These are Very Small Tasks,That produce Humongus rewards! Good Luck!