Double or Even Triple up Portions of Greens such as Collard,Mustard,Turnip Greens.Double-Back or Reduce 2 times as much or eliminate Alltogether,Starchs,ie,Rice,potatoes,Cous cous/Pasta,Bread,etc.,Reduce Sugar intake or Replace Entirely with Honey,Quit Smoking(If you do),Replace salt with Lemons/Limes as much as possible,Carry a Bunch of Toiletpaper with you,& Don't forget to Stay Hydrated at All times!It will feel like,You have entered The gates of Hell for the 1st month,After that You will have so much energy,Increasing your Mileage/Km's will be,Actually Fun & You will be proud of Yourself,& Very Glad it is a Month Behind you!For each month behind you,You will have gained 2 Ahead of you,In terms of Quality of life! Good luck!