Originally Posted By: CANOEDOGS
Jim..i had the safety valve on a very old Primus 71 blow and it did not make much more than a candle type flame that i was able to blow out..it relit of course so i just let it go until the pressure was normal.i would think if the cap is in good shape with the proper setting built into it you should not get a flamethrower...but it was a once only thing for me so i can't say how another stove might act.
I've heard stories of a "candle" flame like you described, but I've also heard of "flamethrower" flames. Personally, I wouldn't want to rely too much on a 50 year old SRV functioning at 100% correctly.

What I do, is if the stove seems to be burning really hot, is turn it down. Less heat, less pressure to the tank, less likelihood of "popping" the SRV. The way I tell is to listen to the pulse of the stove. If it's pulsing more rapidly than usual and the flames are really jumping, to my mind it's time to turn it down a bit. After someone has used that type of stove for a bit, I think they'll know what I mean.

Adventures In Stoving