I get the impression this thread is designed to fan the flames and see what people write...

1. Other than for legal authorities, who do you stop for?

I stop for my job, for one. I'm expected to show up at the hospital and pitch in for as long as it takes, even if means crossing a ruined city to get there. This counts whether the hospital is still standing or has been reduced to an ER tent city. This is part of our emergency response policy, as I understand it.

Beyond that, it all depends; you can't read a person or a situation until the moment is there. If it's a person who's obviously injured or trapped, or if it's a kid who's lost their parents, darn tootin' I'd stop. My particular town has a very high crime rate, though, so in general I'd be wary of people we interacted with, if the situation wasn't obvious to read.

2. What is your response to those who want what you have?

Depends. If it's a friend who's lost everything, I'd share. If they're a stranger in need, I'd direct them to where they could plausibly expect to find humanitarian aid; this gives them a productive course of action to consider and gets them off my back. If they're a stranger who's not asking nicely, my first priority is to keep my family safe.

3. What protocol do you follow with those who want to join you?

Join me? If that thought crosses their mind, then they're probably a close friend or distant family member who doesn't have a place to stay. They come with and will be given tasks, things to keep them busy so they won't panic or get depressed.

Otherwise, people are already going to be acting on their best interests: I've seen how some react in minor disasters, and they tend to flee towards family who live out of the area. I don't see how my group would be more appealing to them.

4. Where do you draw the line between looting and foraging for a resource you decide you need?

Hmm. To me, foraging = taking wild edible plants and small game, both of which are in the woods. Looting is something rioters and thieves do, of which I am neither. I'd say the line is obviously clear.
"Let us climb a mountain, hanging on by low scragged limbs." - Roger Zelanzany