The following is by a doctor who is an expert in austere medicine and is well known in the special operations community. I have not worked with him in person but I have corresponded with him on medical issues. Use at your own risk, etc etc etc, yada yada yada. I tweaked a few bits of salty language to conform to ETS's system.

Some of you guys will recognize Dr. Brown as Res-Q-Doc. Since he posted this on a few boards a couple of days ago, it has already started showing up with other people's names attached. Give him the credit if you pass it along.

In my case, I'm prepared with iodine not because of Japan but because I live within 45 miles of an American nuclear power plant. I have a supply of KI tablets that I've supplemented with Polar Pure as explained by Doc Brown below.


Questions pouring in. I'll post a more detailed answer when I get one typed up this afternoon. Not for CBRN types but regular folks & medics.

Short answers:
1. No Japan isn't putting out enough rads to be a serious concern for us at this time.
2. Yes you should supplement Iodine, although not for the reasons you may think.
3. No you don't need to stockpile the expensive Iodine tablets.
4. Yes there are cheap alternatives and you may wish to consider having some around.

OK here is the draft I knocked out this afternoon between patients. DRAFT, so play nice.

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