Originally Posted By: Pete

I assume they are talking about the fuel rods in the reactors. And so couldn't it be possible that the moderator rods that were put in to stop the reaction might be partially ineffective ... if the fuel rods themselves are damaged or broken. That might explain the continued heat generation. And further, I now note that they are saying that they may have a hole in the reactor containment.

Not moderator rods. Control rods. It's an important technical difference. Control rods are neutron absorbers to end the fission reaction. They were fully inserted into the core within moments of the earthquake ("reactor scram") and have remained there.

One of the things that's driving me crazy about the reports is that "radiation" comes in different flavors. Knowing what flavor radiation has spiked would explain more about what is happening. Instead we just get breathless reports about more badness happening. Some radiation would indicate containment breach. Other radiation would indicate uncontrolled fission. So which is it? Can't tell from the reports reaching/being issued by the press.

I feel as if I should just change channels for 5 years until a real accident analysis by real nuclear engineers has been published with lessons learned.

At least Charlie Sheen has disappeared from the headlines.....