How do you protect yourself from possible physical dangers (falling debris, fires, etc...)

Get outdoors and away from tall buildings. At home that's the front yard or the back yard. At work there are parking lots.

How do you find your family?

One school is an easy walk and the other is a few miles away. If I were at work I'd rely on my wife to gather the children, decide whether to stay home or bug out, and execute the plan appropriately. Her parents live 40 miles away and mine about 1000, so I'd try to reach one or both to get messages if I couldn't communicate with her directly.

How do you get home?

If I'm in the city and I took the train, I'll take the train if I can and hoof it if I can't. That would be two or three days of walking. I'd buy a bicycle if I could. Unfortunately there's no place for me to store a bicycle at work.

How do you find aid stations?

I carry an FAK at all times and hopefully I'd be rendering aid rather than receiving it. Otherwise I'd look for a fire station or a hospital.

Will you be able to get news from radios?

I've been looking for a small and inexpensive FM radio to add to my tier 2 (laptop bag) EDC. If I have my car kit there's a shortwave receiver there.

How can you tell if you've been exposed to radiation?

If you have signs of radiation sickness (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, dizziness, disorientation, weakness, fatigue, hair loss) shortly after suspected exposure, you're probably screwed. In the longer term hopefully you'll have access to doctors.

What will happen if you are exposed to radiation?

Decontaminate as best you can by stripping off clothes and washing thoroughly with plenty of water.

When will "help" arrive (I know this is a potentially loaded question)?

As soon as I get my gear and meet up with the rest of my team. I expect the CERT I belong to will be overwhelmed shortly after the professional first responders, but we'll do the best we can.

What will aid stations be like?

Busy. Grim. Chaotic.

Can you drink water coming out from a broken water pipe?

If you have to. I don't have the gear to remove radioactive contamination from water, but other more common hazards I'm well-equipped to handle.