there is probably some confusion in the media concerning the need for heat exchange... the only way to put out a fission fire is to absorb the neutrons (typically with boron or cadmium) and stop the chain reaction...if the nuclear vessel is still intact you need to cool the reactor core and control rods to keep them in position so the control rods are between the fuel bundles... if they have in fact been scrammed (dropped to stop the neutron flux)....the steam or hydrogen (some of which would be H3 the radioactive isotope -tritium) explosion probably caused damage to the containment building (I've been away from the news)...the most dangerous of the radioactive fission products are the radioisotopes of strontium, cesium, and iodine that replace the less reactive elements (above them on the left side of the periodic table...calcium, potassium-sodium-lithium... and iodine used by the thyroid gland) in the body as well as the bone seeker and soft tissue isotopes of uranium and its decay daughters...

I'm sure the carrier task group has sniffers