I see it as a,Fairly, Real World Situation,Short of the Few Women in this World that show Interest for Outdoors Survival Training,She does a Damn Fine Job of Being Honest & True to her Husband,Putting Complete Trust in his Abilities to,See them Thru Each Scenario,Even though He wasn't able to Provide Everytime!The Episode of them in The Senora Desert,where they were Waterless,& Ate Cacti,& Drank pee,& She came down with Sunstroke,& They got the Camera Crew/EMT to make up some Solution to Re-Hydrate,& She Barfed up Pretty Good,of which wasn't Acting, Any of It!Yes,It is Still Television but, Far more Educational than Bear Grylls,& No Cockney accent to Decipher either,lol!