Survival personalities...

I think people are what they are, and they aren't likely to change in a disaster, in either direction, except maybe emotionally as a result of a partner's or child's death.

I have a sister who is basically a self-made idiot (with a husband to match). I have a good friend who has a genius IQ and no common sense whatsoever. I have a neighbor who is very sweet-natured, but virtually incapable of accomplishing anything other than housework. I had a neighbor who knew baseball history inside and out since it was invented, but who couldn't figure out why his garage door wouldn't work (broken spring). I have another neighbor who only knows how to spend money, and one who is ruled by his rather nasty three under-eight children.

I am one of the shortest-tempered b... witches on the planet. THAT'S not going to change! I don't put up with much idiocy, stupidity, cruelty or dishonesty. In fact, I already have a spot picked out to dump the bodies, and just need to reserve enough gas to get there and back.

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