Originally Posted By: Aussie
Putting sensitive documents online in places like gmail/hotmail etc can be risky because these systems have relatively low security. An encrypted disk is probably a safer location IMO.
It would be possible to setup a backup regime to automatically (or on demand) copy sensitive data to a trusted friend/relative’s computer using a VPN and an encrypted volume (like truecrypt), but you would need some IT skills to do this. Regardless, the frequency of backup should be matched to how much data you are prepared to lose !

You could include a large size, clear, colour portrait of each person in your family (and copies), this may assist if you become separated and need to track someone down, you may consider some pictures of your extended family too ? Having a photo can be comforting too, especially if you become separated for any reason.

Make an encrypted disk with copies of "high risk for identity theft" documents (SS card, financial statements, etc) on it and a copy of the the encryption program for later decoding. Originals go in a safe deposit box. Place copies of drivers licence, insurance cards, and other vital but low risk documents in the folder in case you have to bug out.

Also, how do you protect the folder against burglary? Do you hide it in plain sight by leaving it on a bookshelf. Or, do you put it in a quick access safe and risk identifying it as a valuable item.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane