It's a long read, but worth a look:


I tried, I honestly did try to read the FEMA NIMS documents but quickly came to the conclusion that the USA would be pretty much doomed in a full scale National Emergency based on the difficulties encountered by the emergency services during the London terrorist 7/7 attack response. NIMS it would appear is nothing more than graduate management gobbledygook speak. Combine the management speak gobbledygook with the reliance on poorly designed thin client based Internet based management and reporting tools (probably Oracle and Siebel) and flaky communications together with having some lawyers and politicians (show business for ugly folks) poking their noses in and you have a recipe for a much wider disaster.

'Ok chaps, it now looks like we have a major incident and we all now need to move to the Gold Command control room'


Lets hope the pens still work.


Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (03/01/11 02:56 AM)