The current issue of S.W.A.T. magazine December 2003 has an artice on QUICKCLOT. The article says several things. That with previous products the way to stop bleeding was to introduce clotting agents to the wound. QUICKCLOT adds nothing. Instead it removes moisture thereby condensing the "clotting factors" in your blood. It says that wounds that would have previously had a 100% mortality rate can now be turned into 100% survival rate.
The article lists Popular Science as having awarded QUICKCLOT with the magazine's 2002 "Best of What's New" in medical technology. The Office of Naval Research as having conducted testing on the product. The testing was conducted under the lead of Dr. Hasan Alam. Two other listing include Z-Medica, LLC and H and H Associates, Inc. as sources of the article. Web sites for the last two being " " and " " .