'I love the "Get a hand radio so if the cell network goes down ... you can communicate with your family" advice. If followed that means EVERYONE will have one and with only what 20 ... channels there would be no ability to even use them...'

I can absolutely, positively GUARANTEE that 'everyone' will NOT get one, for all the denial reasons that have often been posted.

You can do PSAs every 15 minutes on every television and radio station, hand-deliver books of info with pictures to every man, woman and child in America, and you can preach it in churchs and shout it from the rooftops, and IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!

One day at my previous job, I asked my immediate coworkers if they prepared for anything the PNW is likely to offer. One did, the others hadn't done anything. I asked what their plan was if we had a major quake or Mt. Rainier blew her top. The answer:

"I guess we'll just sit and wait a few days for the government to rescue us."

Goodnight, Gracie.
