Originally Posted By: JeanetteIsabelle
. . .
I forgot to mention the protein bar in that list but these EDC items will get me through every situation I have come across. What about situations I have yet to come across? What if I can't access my car and I have to walk half-ways across the county to get home? I wear suitable footwear so that is not a problem. We could have wide-scale power failure, which means stores close, and all I have on me is a half-liter bottle of water and a protein bar. I don't think that will be enough if I can't get to my car so yes, my survival kit would have to be on me.

Storing stuff at work is not too difficult but I often have to take D.A.R.T. to go to appointments so any sort of storage in that regard is out of the question.

As for why there could be no home to go to, I live in Tornado Ally which can take out an entire section of town. There go two alternatives. As for any other alternative, last year my family and some friends checked into a hotel due to the snow storm and widespread power outage. A bunch of people had to pack inside one car which left little room for gear. I packed my bag with what little extra food and water I could.

I realize that this post is disorganized but I hope this answers everyone's questions.

Jeanette Isabelle

Where to start . . . It isn't a question of having only one kit and that kit having to answer all requirements; I view my various kits as somewhat inter-related, comprising multiple layers, each of which has more capacity, but will also be more difficult to carry.

There's my EDC pocket carry and then my EDC backpack. Then there's the truck's 96 hour kit which includes a GHB take-away walking kit. If I'm at work and I walk into the parking lot, I have the combined contents of all those various kits available. There is redundancy, but what's really wrong with that . . .

After I return home my kit expands even further. No kit is perfect, each layer can be improved with additional resources, limited only by your ability to carry it. That is why having multiple layered kits is the way to go. Each layer up provides more resources; each layer down allows greater mobility. You need to decide which level to go with depending on your current situation. $.02
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??