The EVACU8 has an advantage over most other masks in that it has a high heat resistant hood that fits over your entire head, thus it will fit folks with beards, different facial features, big & small with a tight seal, the other masks may require a fitting to determine which one is best for an individual, this will take time etc., then you still have the potential for the rubberlike mask to deform due to storage issues, the paper masks getting dirty perhaps etc.

The EVACU8 is basically a selfcontained unit that is neatly packaged in a high visibility container a bit larger than a regualr soda can.

The mask is accessed via pulling off the red plastic top and putting on the hood (directions printed on the outside of the container). There is a retroreflective patch on the bottom of the continer that also glows in the dark.

[side note, since mine is generally carried with me, I added several more tape strips from the lid to the body of the container to preclude the unit from being opened accidentily, which would break the seal on the filter. Later on, I also used a small label maker and made a couple of warning labels on white tape with black lettering that warn against opening it unnecessarily.}

According to the company literature, if the unit is used in an actual documented lifethreatening escape, they will replace it. My guess is that it is both a public relations move, and it would allow them to be able to analyze units from a real world exposure.

Good for about 10-15 minutes according to the testing results, this obviously would vary on other factors such as the individual using it, more physical exertion by the user versus less would differ in the total amount of air being filtered.

I've seen online prices in the $60-65 USD range, B&M stores generally are in the $75 range from what I've seen locally. YMMV
