There were two things that bothered me from the time the Kims were finally found.

The first was, YES, the gate to the logging road was open, but in their entire lives in the U.S., had they EVER seen a public, town-to-town road with a gate across it?

The other was Kati Kim saying that once they were on the logging road, they had to stop several times to move large rocks out of the road so they could continue. (This was before memories dimmed and stories were polished.)

All the other wonderings and explanations pale beside that statement.

I have wandered all over the American West for years, exploring fairly remote ghost towns, and have driven over seriously rough roads at a crawl. I've driven up logging roads, fire roads, and long mountain and ranch driveways just out of curiosity. Sometimes I wasn't where I thought I was. Sometimes my vehicle just wasn't capable of going further, so I carefully turned around and went back the way I came in.

But NEVER, EVER, did I go up a road with deep potholes and large rocks in the road and think I was on any kind of inhabited town-to-inhabited town road.
