Originally Posted By: Doug_Ritter

This unit is deigned to deal with the situation that arises all too often where a diver is separated from their boat. Getting found can be a challenge, even with various non-radio signaling devices. Numerous instances where divers have been left, for a variety of reasons. It does happen.

In an attempt to answer my own question, I did a quick google for scuba accident statistics. "Left behind by dive boat" didn't even show up as a category. I am not sure that any of the sources I found were all that impartial, but I do suspect that LBBDB is pretty rare; when it does happen, it makes headlines.

So, got any statistics on LBBDB? In over 500 dives, it only happened (momentarily) to me just once and that was for good cause. All the scuba accidents with which I was involved related to embolisms, out of air, cardiac and such, not improper behavior by the vessel.

I suspect that the Nautilus Lifeline is an answer in search of a problem, at least in the world of scuba. There is a limit to the number of gadgets and trinkets you can haul underwater with you, so the statistical probabilities are relevant. I think a good bailout bottle (supplemental air) would be more likely to be useful to most divers.
Geezer in Chief