Originally Posted By: njs

The issue isn't being able to enroll in and complete an EMT class but to actually get certified. As I said, almost anyone can take EMT classes. Certification is a separate issue.

Dude, that certainly is your experience. What I'm telling you is that saying "In most states in order to receive an EMT certification a person must be able to demonstrate needs" is wrong.

I got my NREMT-B and NREMT-I, plus my State cards in those areas, before I ever affiliated with any agency. In fact is was only AFTER I got those certs that I could work for EMS around here.

If you explore SOLO's WEMT material, you'll see that you achieve NREMT-B after SOLO's 30-day WEMT course, in which there is no affiliation with any agency.

Again, I think you're confusing "medical control" via a physician and sponsoring agency with "EMT certification", even at the national level.