+1 on the limitations of the different gas mixtures and the difference on "liquid feed" and "gazified feed" operation. I use a trangia gas burner that is purposedly made to replace the alcohol burner. Liquid feed + one of the best wind screens available = succes!!

Originally Posted By: speedemon
At that temperature range, you're going to have to rely on "tricks" to get them to work. Warming the canister in your coat helps alot. Another trick is to set the canister in dish filled with water when you go to use the stove (helps keep it from cooling off when you use it in freezing weather).

One particular trick is thick copper wire. Loop it around the canister and leave just enough wire so you can stick it into the fire. (The wire, not the canister).

Another trick with flexible fuel lines is to put the canister inside the pot you're heating. Only works if the fuel line is long enough.