The New York area did not have quite so many rush hour problems, as most of the snow arrived overnight. We had about three inches of snow on Wednesday morning, followed by heavy sleet / freezing rain Wednesday night (complete with thunder and lightening - very impressive!).

5:45 am the phone rang, and it was the school district informing me that the kids would be home for the day. Powered up the iPad and saw that the LIRR was iffy to get the wife to work, and we agreed she'd be staying home. Sadly, the babysitter is home with a fever, so the wife and I have been tag-teaming the kids while each trying to get some minimum amount of work done.

The snow was impressive. We probably had a little over 12 inches in addition to what we had gotten Wednesday:


My 4 1/2 year old tried to climb a snowdirft and got stuck:


I decided to put him to work helping to dig out the car:


About two hours later, we were in the clear:


Much hot chocolate was consumed to celebrate digging out!

Stay warm everyone, and be careful on the roads!