Originally Posted By: Dagny
Originally Posted By: ireckon
If a person doesn't already have a dog, telling someone to get a dog for security is misdirected advice. Dogs are like kids. You don't just get a dog for the sole purpose of security. It won't work like that. Over 99% of the time with a dog will be spent loving the dog in a way that has zero to do with security. If you're not a dog person and you can't provide that love that has nothing to do with security 99% of the time, then I advise DO NOT get a dog.

Wonderfully stated, Ireckon.

Excellent points, Rebwa. I hadn't calculated destruction in Gidget's $14k-and-counting tally. In puppydom, she destroyed three pair of pumps, one brand new pair of Lowas and ate all the plastic off some Maui Jims (fortunately, my optometrist was able to rebuild them).

Thankfully, her digging was confined to her water bowls.

I love her but she is my priciest indulgence.

Yikes with the shoes, Lowas and Maui Jims, I owned a male Dobe who pretty well chewed all the leather off of a steering wheel in about 10 minutes.