Originally Posted By: JBMat

Do a walk around of your own house - how and where could you/would you/can you break in? Then fix those areas.

That's why I'm asking about the door. The other tempting entry points (out of sight, relatively quiet entry, and easily accessable) are all easy and inexpensive to harden. The door is the big problem. I can't afford $250 for a captive key deadbolt let alone the $600 it would take to alarm the house. A deadbolt keyed on both sides, while affordable, is a violation of the fire code.

And yes, I do know the normal tips about landscaping, don't advertise, and know your neighbors. Their kids are constantly sending soccer balls over the fence, and until stuff turned up missing I thought it was them.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane