After my attempted break in last year I went from an unmonitored alarm system (which scared them off anyhow) to a monitored system with glassbreak on the windows that are reachable. I also upgraded to pet sensitive motion detectors. Even if they get in if we are away, they are limited to one room if they haven't set off the alarm already.

My garage back door is more or less blocked. Good luck getting in that way.

I still may go to the dog trick, undecided as of yet. We do leave lights on and the neighborhood watches out more.

I'm pretty sure it was workers on a bank owned building who were in the area on and off for three weeks. They saw the comings and goings, knew who was home when, and who wasn't home when trucks/cars weren't in driveways.

Do a walk around of your own house - how and where could you/would you/can you break in? Then fix those areas.

And don't hide keys. Thieves know where to look.