Better the SARJF than the Shoot From the Hip on the Basis of Inadequate Information Forum (SFHBIIF?). The fact of the matter is that the newspaper stories that apparently are our only sources of information so far are simply not detailed enough to allow an informed judgment. Also, I, for one, am not familiar enough with the country in question to really deliver a definitive opinion about many of the specifics in this case.

I have been able many times to compare the newspaper accounts of incidents such as this with what actually happened (i.e., I was there for the entire incident). Frequently, the news distorts reality quite severely, particularly in the early reports.

You can make the best evaluations when you have the best possible information.

I am desolated that this forum has disappointed you, but it eases my pain to know that you will undoubtedly be able to find many places on the internet where our reservations of judgment will not be an issue.
Geezer in Chief