If that is the case, there are probably other countries that would fit the bill

Many countries don't have Fluoridated water. I don't think its a question of whether the country is a developed or an underdeveloped country. Perhaps its more a question of choice. When asked if consumers wanted Fluoridation of water or not, the water consumer will mostly reject the idea as they do not want to receive mass medicated/poisoned/tainted water.


BTW I don't think I have ever had Fluoridated water except when staying with relatives in England (an area which apparently had Fluoridated water according to the Wiki article), the taste of the water was pretty rank (grey scum formed inside the tea cup), but this may have been down to other impurities (I always seemed to also suffered considerable leg cramps when sleeping, which I put down to the disgusting water only when visiting). Is there a major difference in taste between Fluoridated water and the real stuff?