Originally Posted By: Frisket
I think it started with katrina? Where cops pushed their weight around and Forced people to evac against their wills. I think it was all over the news how cops did not have the authority to Force people to evac and yet they happily abused the situation and their Firearms to force people to leave. So yeah personally if i was forced to leave my car behind i would dump my bag and fill it with thee most expensive contents of my vehicle. Swhy now that i think about it more i may very well make a full list of my bag's so if i do dump items i would know what i have and am missing so if needbe i can buy it again without worry im forgetting that one small item.

Everythng in mine is pre-packed to make leaving the vehicle behind if needed. Wrench and Tool tolls, FAK, GHB, etc all in their own bags so I can pick and choose what I need based on the situation. I make sure to not just put things in without them being in some sort of bag/pack that can be easily carried or transferred to another vehicle if needed.