Sorry for bringing up an old topic but as a student on this forum I feel I could not go without answering this post.
A 45l rucksack is my choice for college. You may wonder why I carry such a large rucksack. Well I run five times a week and therefore need to carry my sports gear to college. This goes in the bottom compartment.
In the top compartment goes my folder, books, 1l of water, lunch and a thermos flask of coffee for IT lessons (so I stay awake).
I got two side pockets. In the one goes normal boring college stuff such as heartbeat meter, calculator and pencil case. But in the other goes PSK, duct tape and pocket FAK.
I stopped carrying my Vic Champ to college I felt it just too much of a liability with city kids around who think every knife is a weapon.

Of course on the days that I don’t do sports I carry a much smaller bag but this hardly ever happens.

Reinhardt Woets