Thank you very much for the excellent insights!
Just to clarify, my trip will be to the Aisen and Lagos regions in the Chilean Patagonia. I’m going to start with the Cerro Castillo trek, then a kayak trip to the Pumalin park fjords, and finish the trip climbing the Osorno Volcano. So, it will be a cool summer vacation!

Based on the discussions, I think that I’m going to divide my kit in small packets that fit the pockets of my hiking pants. I have some waterproof small bags that needs good use! Additional equipment will be in the top compartment of my backpack, that can be used as a fanny pack.
For the kayak part, I’m going to use a small dry bag for additional survival equipment, inside the kayak cockpit and tied to myself.

But I will try a vest for the climb: It will be cold, and there is a lot of things that need to be accessible during a climb, and taking out the pack frequently in a steep and crevassed snow field isn’t a good idea...

I tried to use a vest here in central Brazil, but It was too uncomfortable to trek with . Of course the military and law enforcement use tactical vests here, but when I look the dark color uniform some of them use even under the tropical sun, I think that voluntary suffering is part of the requirements for that kind of profession...

By the way, the Ribz Front pack is really an interesting idea! In fact, a vest striped to the essentials. I think that I have one more item on my wish list!

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas!
