My first order response would be to shoot them.

But people get irrational about pets and don't often seem to be able to maintain a handle on a need to control their pets or lose them. When it comes to a dog getting shot it is, for them, property and how dare you 'take' their property. But when it comes to responsibility, owners being responsible for what their property does, they turn around and claim the dogs are not property and have free will. Dogs get to be property or independent actors. Which one being determined after the fact according to whichever is easiest for the owner.

Of course once you shoot the dog/s they immediately become the bestest dogs ever. Canine saints they were. Never hurt anyone or anything. Even if the day before the owner was bragging about how viscous they are and how they tear up people and other animals. It all changes once they are dead.

If you do shoot them the best bet is to quickly bury them, clean the gun, and claim ignorance when they come around asking about their lost dog/s.