When I was younger, about 20 years ago, I read a piece of young adult survival fiction and I can't remember the name. I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I don't remember particularly liking the book but I am curious what its title was. If anyone could help me with this bit of trivia.

Plot synopsis:
I believe it takes place in Britain. A teenager survives a plague and the story is about his journey through the next few months of his life. he meets one survivor who is is obsessed with collecting riches that don't matter anymore, this character steals a ring the protagonist kept to remember his mother. Eventually the protagonist finds two girls on bicycles, whom he detains by catching one of their bike baskets when they are out foraging. He becomes friends with them and its clear that he will choose one and not the other and this creates some tension (I guess). I remember certain details like them listening to rolling stones tapes on a battery powered cassette player, the protagonist drove a jaguar for a time and wondered how he could find some propane.

I doubt the book was very good, but, I am wondering what the title was.

You can't teach experience.