Originally Posted By: Lono
A friend of a friend was kind of embarrassed over the thanksgiving holiday when he fired his extinguisher at a stove fire and spread hot oil all over his kitchen from the blast...

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I saw a video clip on the news about a kitchen fire. There was a turkey in the oven and there were a lot of flames. This woman was determined to pull that bird out of the oven even though there was a frightening amount of flames licking around her hands. Unbelievable. Reminded me of that scene from the old TV series Kung Fu where a young David Carridine has to carry that red hot iron pot full of burning coals with just his wrists.

Anyway, someone pulled her back and closed the oven door. You could hear the woman still screaming about saving the turkey. The flames used up the oxygen and died down all by themselves. No need for an extinguisher.

Like Lono was saying, the woman was probably just not thinking and was fixated on all the effort she put into that turkey, but still, she was risking great personal injury and even burning down the rest of her house by trying to pull that bird out. If anything, it's a good lesson on why we need to periodically remind ourselves of what to do in certain situations--basic first aid, basic fire fighting principles (including getting everyone OUT if you can't control a fire quickly), what to do in some natural disaster like a tornado, earthquake, etc.