All good points - I suppose it's more of a "convenience kit." Basically, if myself or someone else gets some minor injury or isn't feeling well I take a pill or a band-aid, or hand them one to use. As for strangers, well, no matter how sick I'm feeling I don't think I'd take a pill some strange guy just pulled out of his pocket, anyway. But that's just me.

Most of the "tools" are mostly for convenience/hygiene - cuticle scissor, nail clipper, eyeglass screwdriver, toothpick, sewing kit, dental floss, tweezers, insect sting relief pads.

Anything more serious and I get on the horn and call in the pros.

The gloves are a good idea, and so is the CPR mask (though I must get the required training first).

So I guess you're right in that it's not a traditional FAK, just a collection of some stuff that might be useful without trying to be comprehensive. If I go away from civilization, I supplement all of this of course with a more comprehensive kit (obviously much larger than can be fit in a pocket).