Good advice ireckon, one bad thing about me if I did that, then I would start adding more things in that new space (dice bag). Then the kit would start growing more and I'd be back into a bigger PSK or fanny pack. I have a bad tendency to do that with my BOB as well by adding things here and there that end up weighing my packs down and becoming to bulky. By keeping everything in the aquapack it forces me to stay within that space no matter what, letting me keep critical and items I use a lot everyday. It fits well in a front pocket or cargo pocket and it keeps the basics. I am always opening to ideas and if you get time, I'd like to see your kit as well. I would like to get that smaller mirror like Izzy has but I can't find them anywhere for sale except in the kit and I am not going to buy a kit for the mirror. I'm thinking about putting a condom in there with water tablets for a water container and purification. I'm still trying to work within that space model cramming as much as I can for space and keeping the integrity of the container together.
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985