I, as most of you know, am still in Highschool, and I get asked all the time... "Whats this, whats that for, why do you carry?" and it usually refers to Ferro rod, Fox 40 Whistle, Flashlight, as Blast said, While lighting up a power outage, (in my shoulder bag [Man Bag] along with item #4...) P.S.P, and Spudz lens cloth and P-51 can opener. I do not smoke but I do carry a Peanut lighter (which, being in H.S. people think is a pill container containing Ritalin, Vicodin, Xanax, Etc.), I am not a recovering Pyro... I am one! smile Also, the F.A.K. in my Man Bag, and the Bandaids in my wallet, they raise a question, usually while helping someone out, as mentioned above.

Edited by sybert777 (11/18/10 12:48 PM)