Be creative in finding garden space in three dimensions. "Think like a plant" seeking the intersection of water, nutrients, and sunlight. Plant there.

You can move the water and nutrients around a bit, but can only supply sunlight equivalents at considerable expense and reliance on electricity; so go for natural, reliable sun!

Taking an aerial perspective, where on property you own, possess, or control does the sun shine? Yard? Pavement? Fence? Roof? Water? Other? Plant there.

A roof or fence garden of vines snaking up and out from planter or hydroponic "beds" to catch otherwise "un-used" sun can dramatically expand planting areas. Be creative, whatever the neighbors think.

"Cheat" into the fourth dimension, time. Start plants indoors, use cold frames and green houses, etcetera, to artificially increase growing seasons, decrease exposure to plant predators and diseases. Plant so tall vegetation protects more delicate "understory" vegetation until the tall stuff dies back or is harvested and the low stuff is ready to take on the unfiltered sun. Preserve the harvest by drying, canning, etcetera.

"Eat everything" by recycling inedible-by-human portions of the harvest through worm composting, heat composting, feeding to animals, etcetera.

Improve your soil but never let it rest. Always have plants ready to go. Enrich your soil every way you can.

Edited by dweste (11/06/10 11:45 AM)